Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Community Economic Resource Development Digital Marketing UMKM pada Pengembangan Sumber Daya Ekonomi Masyarakat

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Meylani Dwi Khoirun Nisa


This study aims to explore the process of implementing digital marketing by micro, small, and medium Enterprise (MSMEs).  in rural areas. The research employs a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Based on observations, interviews, secondary data, and grounded in Armstrong and Kotler's digital marketing theory—which outlines activities such as providing information, promotion, communication, and online marketing—this study reveals that the adoption of digital marketing represents a transformative phase for MSMEs, significantly impacting the development of community economic resources (CER).

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How to Cite
Dwi Khoirun Nisa, M. (2024). Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Community Economic Resource Development. JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society, 1(1), 13-30.


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