Social Movements in Virtual Public Spaces: Resource Mobilization Strategies in the #StopKekerasanSeksual Social Campaign Gerakan Sosial di Ruang Publik Virtual: Strategi Mobilisasi Sumber Daya dalam Kampanye Sosial #StopKekerasanSeksual

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Shilva Nursafitri


The #StopKekerasanSeksual campaign serves as an example of a new digital-based social movement that leverages social media to raise awareness, build solidarity, and drive social and policy changes. This study aims to analyze resource mobilization strategies in the campaign, including the use of social media hashtags, digital fundraising, collaborations with NGOs and activists, direct action mobilization, and public education. The findings reveal that hashtags, as digital symbols, are effective in broadening message reach and building solidarity networks. Cross-sector support and victim-centered storytelling have successfully challenged social stigma, fostered collective empathy, and increased public participation. Furthermore, the campaign has significantly contributed to accelerating policy changes, such as the enactment of the Sexual Violence Law (UU TPKS) in Indonesia. This study recommends further exploration of the effectiveness of long-term strategies and the development of replicable models for similar campaigns addressing other social issues.

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How to Cite
Nursafitri, S. (2024). Social Movements in Virtual Public Spaces: Resource Mobilization Strategies in the #StopKekerasanSeksual Social Campaign. JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society, 1(1), 51-60.


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