The Transformation of Masculinity in the Post-Patriarchy Era: The Reconstruction of Contemporary Male Identity Transformasi Maskulinitas di Era Post-Patriarki: Konstruksi Ulang Identitas Laki-Laki Kontemporer

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Yudi Ferdiansyah
Shafira Dita Sasmita
Rini Sulastri


This study explores the transformation of masculinity in the post-patriarchy era, examining how contemporary male identity undergoes fundamental reconstruction. Using a literature review method with a qualitative-analytical approach, the research analyzes the deconstruction of traditional masculinity models and the emergence of new masculinity paradigms. The findings reveal a significant shift from dominance- and physical strength-based constructions of masculinity toward more empathetic, reflective, and egalitarian models. Factors such as technology, education, and structural social changes fundamentally influence the transformation of male identity. Modern men are now characterized by collaborative leadership, gender sensitivity, active involvement in caregiving, and a willingness to deconstruct masculine privilege. The study uncovers the psychological and social challenges men face during the identity reconstruction process, including identity crises, societal resistance, and adaptation demands. The research concludes that masculinity is a dynamic construct that continues to evolve alongside structural and cultural changes in society.

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How to Cite
Ferdiansyah, Y., Sasmita, S. D., & Sulastri, R. (2024). The Transformation of Masculinity in the Post-Patriarchy Era: The Reconstruction of Contemporary Male Identity. JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society, 1(1), 61-82.


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