JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls <p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/IJLS_16.png"></p> <p align="justify">JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society adds an increasingly important Asian perspective to global law and society scholarship. This independent, peer-reviewed publication encourages empirical and multi-disciplinary research and welcomes articles on law and its relationship with society in Asia, articles bringing an Asian perspective to socio-legal issues of global concern, and articles using Asia as a starting point for a comparative exploration of law and society topics. Its coverage of Asia is broad and stretches from East Asia, South Asia, and South East Asia to Central Asia. A unique combination of a base in Asia and an international editorial team creates a forum for Asian and Western scholars to exchange ideas of interest to Asian scholars and professionals, those working in or on Asia, as well as all working on law and society issues globally.</p> en-US rozikinopik@gmail.com (opik rozikin) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Cybercrime in Urban Socio-Spatial Space https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/197 <p align="justify">The increasing digitalization and online connectivity in urban areas have transformed the socio-spatial space, converging the physical and digital worlds. While offering convenience and efficiency, this transformation has also given rise to the threat of cybercrime, which exploits vulnerabilities in internet-connected systems and devices. Cybercrime in urban socio-spatial spaces can take various forms, including data theft, hacking, malware distribution, online fraud, and attacks on critical infrastructure. This paper explores and analyzes the phenomenon of cybercrime in the context of urban socio-spatial spaces. It identifies the common types of cybercrime, examines the driving factors behind their occurrence, assesses the impacts on economic, social, and psychological aspects, and proposes prevention strategies. Through a comprehensive understanding of cybercrime dynamics in urban areas, this study aims to provide new insights and recommendations for more effective prevention and mitigation efforts to maintain the security and stability of urban communities.</p> Shafira Dita Sasmita, Agus Mauluddin Copyright (c) 2024 JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/197 Thu, 05 Dec 2024 01:36:04 +0000 Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Community Economic Resource Development https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/199 <p><em>This study aims to explore the process of implementing digital marketing by micro, small, and medium Enterprise (MSMEs). &nbsp;in rural areas. The research employs a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Based on observations, interviews, secondary data, and grounded in Armstrong and Kotler's digital marketing theory—which outlines activities such as providing information, promotion, communication, and online marketing—this study reveals that the adoption of digital marketing represents a transformative phase for MSMEs, significantly impacting the development of community economic resources (CER).</em></p> Meylani Dwi Khoirun Nisa Copyright (c) 2024 JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/199 Fri, 06 Dec 2024 02:43:35 +0000 Implementation of GP2 in Digital-Based State Expenditure Transaction Payments at Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/205 <p><em>This study aims to examine the implementation of the Government Payment Platform (GP2) in the execution of government expenditure transaction payments and to identify the challenges and benefits resulting from its implementation. The focus of the study is on the payment of common expenses involving PT. PLN and PT. Telkom. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytical method through observation, interviews, document analysis, and an evaluation of previous pilot results. The findings show that the business process of the GP2 is designed to ensure efficiency, security, and transparency in managing government expenditure payments. However, several technical challenges were identified that need to be resolved to ensure smoother payment processes. On the other hand, the implementation of this platform provides significant benefits, including payment efficiency, better data integration, enhanced transaction security, and ease of reporting and supervision.</em></p> Risa Ayu Restuning Gusti, Budi Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/205 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Social Movements in Virtual Public Spaces: Resource Mobilization Strategies in the #StopKekerasanSeksual Social Campaign https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/206 <p><em>The #StopKekerasanSeksual campaign serves as an example of a new digital-based social movement that leverages social media to raise awareness, build solidarity, and drive social and policy changes. This study aims to analyze resource mobilization strategies in the campaign, including the use of social media hashtags, digital fundraising, collaborations with NGOs and activists, direct action mobilization, and public education. The findings reveal that hashtags, as digital symbols, are effective in broadening message reach and building solidarity networks. Cross-sector support and victim-centered storytelling have successfully challenged social stigma, fostered collective empathy, and increased public participation. Furthermore, the campaign has significantly contributed to accelerating policy changes, such as the enactment of the Sexual Violence Law (UU TPKS) in Indonesia. This study recommends further exploration of the effectiveness of long-term strategies and the development of replicable models for similar campaigns addressing other social issues.</em></p> Shilva Nursafitri Copyright (c) 2024 JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/206 Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Transformation of Masculinity in the Post-Patriarchy Era: The Reconstruction of Contemporary Male Identity https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/207 <p><em>This study explores the transformation of masculinity in the post-patriarchy era, examining how contemporary male identity undergoes fundamental reconstruction. Using a literature review method with a qualitative-analytical approach, the research analyzes the deconstruction of traditional masculinity models and the emergence of new masculinity paradigms. The findings reveal a significant shift from dominance- and physical strength-based constructions of masculinity toward more empathetic, reflective, and egalitarian models. Factors such as technology, education, and structural social changes fundamentally influence the transformation of male identity. Modern men are now characterized by collaborative leadership, gender sensitivity, active involvement in caregiving, and a willingness to deconstruct masculine privilege. The study uncovers the psychological and social challenges men face during the identity reconstruction process, including identity crises, societal resistance, and adaptation demands. The research concludes that masculinity is a dynamic construct that continues to evolve alongside structural and cultural changes in society.</em></p> Yudi Ferdiansyah, Shafira Dita Sasmita, Rini Sulastri Copyright (c) 2024 JCIC: International Journal of Law and Society https://journal.cicofficial.com/index.php/ijls/article/view/207 Thu, 12 Dec 2024 12:01:47 +0000