Implementation of GP2 in Digital-Based State Expenditure Transaction Payments at Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance Implementasi GP2 dalam Pelaksanaan Transaksi Pembayaran Belanja Negara Berbasis Digital di Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia

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Risa Ayu Restuning Gusti
Budi Nugraha


This study aims to examine the implementation of the Government Payment Platform (GP2) in the execution of government expenditure transaction payments and to identify the challenges and benefits resulting from its implementation. The focus of the study is on the payment of common expenses involving PT. PLN and PT. Telkom. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytical method through observation, interviews, document analysis, and an evaluation of previous pilot results. The findings show that the business process of the GP2 is designed to ensure efficiency, security, and transparency in managing government expenditure payments. However, several technical challenges were identified that need to be resolved to ensure smoother payment processes. On the other hand, the implementation of this platform provides significant benefits, including payment efficiency, better data integration, enhanced transaction security, and ease of reporting and supervision.

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